Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Wedding Photography Tips - How to Take Great Wedding Photographs

Taking good wedding photography shots is not as easy as many professionals make it look. Whether you are looking to make money from wedding photography or are simply looking for tips on how to take some good shots at a friends wedding this article will give you some great free advice to help you improve the quality of shots you get.

Planning Is Crucial to Getting Good Wedding Photographs

The first thing to note is that at a wedding it all happens just once. The classic pose outside the church, the bride walking down the aisle, the best mans speech. All of these moments are all over in a matter of moments meaning you have very little time to get the shot as you need. As a result your planning and foresight is absolutely crucial if you want to get the right shots first time.

Ideally you need to plan ahead. Ideally attend the wedding rehearsal or visit the venue beforehand to plan out shooting angles. If this is not possible then always be planning shots for later. On your way into the church start thinking about where to get the best shots from on the way out. Try to stay mentally one stop ahead of the wedding so that you know where you have to be.

Exposure of Wedding Dress

One common problem amongst wedding photographers is getting the right balance of exposure. Exposing a black grooms suit that is standing next to a white wedding dress can be tricky if you do not want to under or over expose either. The key here is to find the middle ground by opting for an evaluating metering mode (as opposed to center weighted or spot) and to crucially view the histogram after taking the first shot to avoid having any highlights or low lights being blown out.

Follow this link to learn more great free tips including my list of 101 photography tips.

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