Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Customer Service is Like Having Spontaneous Sex in An Alley Way

Think about it. If you work in a customer service environment, like in a help desk or customer care position, your position's success or failure from the perspective of an existing or potential client depends on three things. These three factors can be compared to having spontaneous sex in an alley way. Whether this interaction be experienced with a known partner (existing customer) or a complete stranger (potential customer), the entire process should be fresh, exciting, and jointly stimulating to both parties involved.

From the moment the action starts until the last good-bye, both partners should be buzzing with anticipation for the end result. Long, boring interrogative encounters are not something anyone looks forward to. Just the fact that this event is happening with someone new or in a new situation should encourage you to be excited. In other words, make the most of it! Use this opportunity to introduce a new side of your personality, or expose an otherwise hidden talent that might interest the other person. Be personable and fresh.

Darting into an alleyway to have sex not only raises the level of excitement, but an equally high level of trust must be met. Both partners will be subjected to a mutual dependence that each participant trust the other for a given length of time and not risk exposing certain activities of the event to the outside world. Every one-on-one encounter creates an exclusivity that only exists for those two people at that given time at that unique location. If honesty and trust are not felt by both partners, the interaction will be riddled with stress and fear, ultimately resulting in a bad experience. Confidentiality should be understood, not requested.

And, finally, the incident must result in a win-win situation for both participants, mutual satisfaction, which includes equal reward and forfeiture of desired outcomes. Any other ending will produce a lingering dissatisfaction and eventually an erosion of the closeness required for a successful partnership to thrive. As the interaction is taking place, this reciprocated fulfillment must be constantly kept at the forefront by both contributors. And if the person interacting with you doesn't appear to be achieving satisfaction, it's your responsibility to contribute more until that level of equality is attained.

Thinking long term, a satisfied customer will willingly return and even insist upon your personal presence for a repeat encounter.

Colby Tanner is a successful entrepreneur, both in the offline and online arenas. To read more tips and techniques like the ones in this article, please visit: http://www.An-Honest-living.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Colby_Tanner

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