Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Copywriting Services SEO Tactics

SEO copywriting is a new functional art form. It appeals to two very different groups and the tactics used need to reflect the demands of both. Good SEO article writing appeals primarily to the web browsing public but only if well written and well targeted to the web browsers search preferences. Furthermore, SEO copywriting needs to grab the readers' attention, engage the customer's thirst for knowledge and deliver satisfactory answers within just 500-600 words per article. A good copywriting services provider should know this, but to stay one step ahead of the game, so should you. SEO article writing is both technical and creative. Here are the steps necessary for really great SEO article writing.

  • First, you identify the topic phrase or keywords used by your target audience. For instance you want to bring 'long-life' bulbs to the buying public. 'Long-life' then becomes the keyword you need to use in several key places throughout your article. But we want to dig a little deeper here...
  • Secondly, in the SEO copywriting process, make a list of words that relate to 'long-life' and 'bulbs'. These words should be ones that ordinary people use all the time to describe them. This is an essential aspect of SEO article writing because these words are those that your potential site visitors will type into the search engines in order to find your website. So how about 'eco', 'compact fluorescent', 'lamps' and 'lighting' etc.
  • Thirdly you should do keyword research. It doesn't take long with the aid of comprehensive research tools such as 'Wordtracker', 'Wordze' and 'Keyword Discovery'. If you like the free options the above programs occasionally offer free trials or try 'Google Keyword Tool'
  • Fourth, write a list of topics you believe would interest your audience. Then choose several and get writing! Consider all the angles you can use that relate to your topic or industry, think about common questions being asked by your audience and answer them in your article, consider providing information that your audience and potential customers would really want to read or would find particularly interesting so as to shed enlightenment and entertainment onto your articles. Typical SEO content should be between 500 and 600 words. More than that, you're wasting your time writing, readers have a short attention span. Review your SEO content and work in naturally those keywords and collocation phrases. Ensure your sentences link together and make sense. Make sure you only use one keyword several times in the article and once in the heading. People used to say 1-3% - The search engines are getting smarter, so simply put the keywords were appropriate. Also use a few synonyms of the keyword in the article. This will also help searches and your audiences find you for related terms.
  • Proof check the article for spelling and grammatical correctness. Most readers who visit your website, drawn by your SEO keywords, will mind bad grammar and spelling. Once you turn the reader off it is impossible to bring them back so make sure it's correct.

Search engines won't know a split infinitive from an anaphoric reference but your site visitors will. So quality content should always take preference over SEO.

Search engine algorithms are the second group of art lovers for your SEO copywriting and when they appreciate your efforts they reward you by pushing your website, content or article higher and possibly on the first page of their search results.

So when the Google spiders come along and scan your article, they are looking for results to put in front of the reader who types "long life bulbs" into the Google home page. What happens then? It works incredibly quickly, searching through millions of Internet sites in seconds looking for very specific matches to the keywords. The more exact the match and the more matches within any one site's text the higher the return ranking will be.

Of course the algorithm is not really an art lover. It can never appreciate the poetry that you pour into your SEO content prose. In fact it appreciates the spaces between your words and each individual letter in equal measure to number of keywords in your text. Fundamentally it loves a good 'keyword dense' piece of text. A minimum of 1-2 in every 100 words should be keywords and a further 1-2 of synonyms if you really want to turn the search engines on.

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