Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Try Working in the Mining Industry

You want to earn the sort of salary you can be proud of, don't you? You're probably even sick of your smug Uncle who went to medical school getting all the attention at family gatherings? The mining industry is turning many regular people like you and me into very rich, happy individuals.

Forget all the stereotypes- like the one about it being a boys club only- the mining industry has evolved into one of the most professional industries in the world. Men and women of all ages and from all backgrounds are finding extremely satisfying employment as miners. It's a diverse and equitable pastime.

And with salaries of well over a hundred thousand dollars a year being very achievable, it's no wonder people are taking a change in direction with their career and heading off into the remote areas of the world to make their fortune. In fact, some miners earn three or four times what an executive can.

Driven by the booming industrial revolutions of India and China, mines in countries like Canada, Australia and parts of Africa are in overdrive and consequently suffering from acute skills shortages. This means that they are in need of skilled workers to mine their ample resources and turning to overseas workers to fill the void.

So what skills do you need?

The good news is that you don't need to be an engineer to work in mining- although being an engineer certainly puts you at the top of the pile- many trades like electrical and mechanical are in high demand. But then there's the other jobs.

For open cut mining, dump truck drivers are required in large numbers. Don't be over awed by some of those trucks either, they are as easy to drive as your average family sedan.

For remote mines, like in central Australia, employees are needed for typical mining jobs as well as facility jobs like catering and cleaning.

Maybe you like the idea of running your own business?

Mining contractors can range from safety consultants to environmental advisors. But that's only the start; organizations are required for contracted work like cleaning, maintenance, security and a host of other services.

So how do you find out more?

The mining industry is often considered one of the world's best kept secrets and so many people, like me some time ago, just don't know where to start. That was until I found a great site that introduces people to the mining industry and gives great information on which companies are hiring staff and where.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Drew_Gill

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