Senin, 29 Juni 2009

The Right Makeup For A Bride

You're getting married! What an exciting time for you. At some point during the wedding planning process, you will have to think about your bridal beauty needs. As a bridal makeup artist, I know looking your best on your special day is of ultimate importance to you. This article has been written with every bride in mind. By educating yourself on many of the bridal beauty makeup basics, your wedding day look will be one that you'll remember and love forever.

Cleanse and nourish your skin so that it will be healthy for the big day. Yes, nourish! You have to treat your skin internally. Also eat good wholesome foods and include lots of fruit and vegetables. Diet is very important. Stay away from unhealthy and greasy food. These can cause break-outs. Eliminate junk-foods drink lots of water daily. It won't hurt to speak to a nutritionist.

Whether you intend on applying your own make-up or you are hiring someone in, it's imperative that you have a trial run-through or two to ensure you are entirely happy with how it's going to look. If you are using a professional they should be happy to work with you to create the look you want until you are satisfied. Blush is possibly one of the most overlooked beauty products; however, it is probably one of the most important. It makes brides look healthier and more alive. Powder blush is the most popular type of blush, and the easiest to apply on humid days.

Some makeup artists will use an eye primer before applying any eye makeup but I have never had any problems with using only powder. It's an extra step I usually don't incorporate in an already busy schedule. If you want however, complete peace of mind, use one. They do work well. A simple way for keeping your foundation on as long as possible is to first apply concealed and foundation as normal, wait a few seconds and then blot gently with a tissue. The tissue should absorb excess oils and leave behind the pigment.

Before application, make sure you moisturize with an oil-free moisturizer before applying foundation, especially for those with oily skin. Be sure to allow your skin to absorb the moisturizer first, then continue with makeup application. Your lips are also very important. Take into account that you will kiss a lot of people. So you should use a very resistant lipstick. Moreover, it has to fit eye and hair color, same as the lip liner. You should always outline your lips first and then fill them with color. For a longer durability, use balm, lacquer or primer and apply the lipstick with a lip brush. You should apply two layers, for resistance.

By: Kamen

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Find More : bridal makeup , makeup artists , makeup application

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