Just like typically developing children, children with special needs have strengths and weaknesses. Some children may have a recognizable syndrome, for example, a child with Down syndrome or a child who wears a hearing aid. Other children may exhibit delays, but may not have been diagnosed with a specific condition or syndrome. With time and practice of skills, many seemingly delayed children will ultimately catch up in their development. Young children might be diagnosed as having a developmental delay because it is unknown if the child's condition will be ongoing or if he or she will eventually develop at the same rate as his or her peers. In other cases, children may be at risk for a special need because of their environment or a chronic health condition, such as ear infections or a depressed immune system.
Regardless of the challenges children may face, all children can learn and all children should be allowed to participate in everyday routines and activities to the best of their capabilities. Special adaptations may be necessary. Sometimes a child is only able to participate partially. Research tells us that children learn best in natural environments with typically developing peers.
ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) has added to its catalog of online professional development courses, SPN100: Inclusive Literacy Lessons, written by author and consultant, Dr. Pam Schiller. Dr. Schiller is a freelance early childhood consultant and author who shares her extensive knowledge in workshops, radio and television interviews, and as a popular keynote speaker and author. She has published several children's books, music CDs, DVDs, and more than thirty teacher resource books.
Learn more about helping children in need. Visit ChildCare Education Institute to discover over 100 online child care training courses that meet the continuing education requirements of the child care industry. Register for a sample course and try online learning today!
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