Kamis, 26 November 2009

Choosing the Right Facial Cleanser Isn't As Hard As it Seems

What to do when faced with the hundreds of facial cleansers lining store shelves? Which one is really best? Well, that all depends on a lot of things, but especially the type of skin you have and what it needs.

To pick the right product for you, try following these simple tips the next time you hit the pharmacy, department store, or Internet looking to replenish your skin care supplies:

1. Pick a facial cleanser that's made for your skin type. The facial cleanser you choose should be made to tackle specific problems for your individual skin type. For instance, if you suffer from dry skin, you'll want to choose one that adds moisture; while oily skin sufferers will want one that is designed to remove surface oils from the skin. Men especially need to pick a cleanser that can handle their tough skin.

2. Check the ingredients. The more natural the ingredients found in any facial cleanser, the better. Look for ingredients that match your skin care needs and skin type. And, if you do decide to use one that has synthetic chemicals in it, be sure to avoid scented soap and harsh detergents that can actually strip the skin of hydration and products with PH levels below 5.5.

Parabens should also be avoided since they have been linked to cancer in several recent studies. For fragrance, be sure to look for natural botanicals listed in the ingredients instead of synthetic fragrances to avoid the possibility of an allergic reaction.

3. Choose different products for different times of the day. Be sure to use a more heavy-duty facial cleanser at the end of the day when your face is its dirtiest. Evening cleansers have a tough job. They must clear the skin of all types of dirt, grime, sweat, makeup residue and other toxins you've come in contact with throughout the day. Be sure to pick one that can handle the job it is intended to do. Then, choose a less stringent cleanser for use in the morning. While your face does need a bit of refreshing in the morning, it certainly doesn't need the same kind of deep cleaning it needs later in the day.

4. Avoid overpriced cleansers. A basic one really will get the job done sufficiently. Remember, expensive doesn't necessarily mean best.

5. Forget the hype. Advertising has a way of making anything look great -- even facial cleansers. Don't worry about what the label promises. What works for your best friend may not work for you and that's ok. Your skin is different.

Choosing a good quality facial cleanser isn't difficult, if you follow these basic rules. You can also visit my web site for more detailed information and discover the products that work well for me personally and may work for you, too.

Dan Ho is a strong proponent of natural health in all its forms: skin care, supplementation, and farm fresh foods. Dan enjoys introducing people to the best natural products he can find and uses himself daily at: http://www.healthy-flawless-skin.com

Visit his site http://www.healthy-flawless-skin.com to learn about the skin care products Dan uses daily himself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Ho

Dan Ho - EzineArticles Expert Author
Find More : skin products , health skin care , facial care , Facial Bar , skincare products , facial soap

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