Kamis, 12 November 2009

Pre-Owned Office Furniture - Save Money and Save the Environment

Save the environment while you save money for your business. Pre-owned or used office furniture is affordable and it is green.

In Los Angeles County and many other places in the US used business and office furniture and equipment are in abundant supply. The unfortunate downturn in the current economy has contributed to one of the largest gluts in quality used office furniture and products. This condition makes it an excellent time for you to find top-notch recycled office furniture at extremely affordable prices.

The wide availability of pre-owned business furniture and equipment in Southern California and other places around the country means wholesalers and retailers of pre-owned or used office products and services need to sell at low, low prices to move their inventory.

Two more factors are creating a buyer's market in recycled business furniture and equipment. Those factors are online or virtual stores and the rising tide of imports.

First, the prices of used furniture are affected by internet retailers and wholesalers. In the past a wholesaler or retailer had to have 30,000 to 80,000 square feet for showroom and warehouse space as well as sales and warehouse personnel which amounted to huge overhead costs. Today, with the development of the world-wide-web and just-in-time (JIT) inventory technologies almost anyone with a little initiative and curiosity can open a virtual store over the internet. With an online store, a gung-ho entrepreneur can get by with 2,000 to 10,000 square feet max cutting his outflow significantly and giving him/her an advantage over the older business model and competition.

Second, the onslaught of imported business related furniture and supplies is also putting downward pressures on prices for used office furniture and equipment.

Buying used or pre-owned business and office furniture is technically recycling and therefore counts as green. By purchasing used business equipment or products, you help your community save huge amounts of landfill space. Furthermore you help slow down the need to use up the country's natural resources. Recently the Fluor-Daniels Corporation chose to purchase pre-owned cubicle workstations from A.B.E. Office Furniture in the Los Angeles area. Fluor had A.B.E. install the systems stations in offices all over the United States including St. Louis, Houston, on the East Coast and the famous glass building in Irvine, California. In doing so the Fluor executives saved huge amounts of operating cash and rescued an estimated 500,000 square feet of landfill space. Finally, another way to buy green for your business and office is to look for companies that refurbish or remanufacture old workstations using recycled materials. Most fabrics and even some work surfaces used in Today's cubicles or systems stations are made from recycled plastics.

Purchasing green, used and pre-owned office furniture is a win-win proposition for your company and society.

Eric Coggins- Do you want to save your company huge amounts of cash? Are you starting a new business and want to save on start up costs? Find a business furniture and equipment wholesaler near you or online at http://www.advantagegreenfurniture.com/

And, if you simply can't help yourself; if you must have something that is brand new never touched or sat in go to http://www.socalofex.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_Coggins

Eric Coggins - EzineArticles Expert Author
Find More : Furniture Equipment , Office Equipment Furniture , Furniture Cafe , office furniture , business furniture , related furniture , office furniture malaysia , furniture factory , chair furniture , furniture list

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